Brake Fluid - It's a Problem! Why??

vehicle brake repair

There is a reason we check your brake fluid when you come in for a service check.  Maintenance pays big dividends and we want to avoid high repair costs for our Madisonville drivers.  Did you know that brake service isn't just all about the brake pads, drums & rotors?  That we have found low brake fluid to be the cause of a large percentage of brake issues here at Truck n Spring?  Seriously, brake fluid is an important part of your braking system and with your service intervals being less frequent on the newer vehicles 5,000-10,000 more miles this has become an issue!  Why?...

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4X4 and AWD Maintenance

fleet of cars

Are your fleet vehicles equipped with four-wheel or all-wheel drive? More and more, companies are moving towards vehicles equipped with one or the other - they’re safer and more useful, particularly in inclement weather or less than ideal conditions. If your fleet is powered by all four wheels, Truck n Spring in Madisonville, KY has you covered.

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Dash Warning Lights to Watch For!

battery warning light

It doesn't matter if you are driving a car or truck, jeep or SUV, a diesel 4x4 or a classic when those dash warning lights go off the first thing you do is think "how bad is it?" and "how much will it cost me?" followed quickly by "when was my last service visit?"!!  Driving your vehicle longer safely is all about getting it serviced based on what your vehicle manual recommends and these warning lights are alerting you to a situation that requires your attention. 

While not all warning lights are a sign that disaster is imminent, no warning indicator light should ever be ignored!

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Simple Steps to Save Fleet Downtime - Tranmissions!

fleet vehicles photo

Our fleet truck customers do not need to spend valuable time in the shop with transmission issues due that could have been avoided by servicing their fleet vehicles based on their owner's manual recommendations!  Especially if it is simply changing a clogged filter, changing fluids or clutch issues!  Our transmission technicians here at Truck n Spring in Madisonville believe that service = saving high repair bills!   Therefore, we believe in a proactive approach!

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