How to Prepare Your Car for Holiday Driving

For most of us, proper preparation for your upcoming holiday road trip is more about wedging suitcases into the trunk and grabbing that famous stuffing recipe than it is about car maintenance. We certainly understand; the holiday season is a hectic one. However, a little advance planning can make a huge difference in getting to your destination in one piece and arriving with a few shreds of sanity left! Here are five ways to ready your car (and yourself) for the great holiday tradition: the road trip.

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Yes, we can do auto warranties & routine maintenance.

You do not have to use the dealer for repairs and maintenance to keep your warranty in effect! Source Consumer FTC.   If you own a car, you know how important it is to keep up with routine maintenance and repairs. But can a dealer refuse to honor the warranty that came with your new car if someone else does the routine maintenance or repairs?

The Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the nation's consumer protection agency, says no. In fact, it's illegal for a dealer to deny your warranty coverage simply because you had routine maintenance or repairs performed by someone else. Routine maintenance often includes oil changes, tire rotations, belt replacement, fluid checks and flushes, new brake pads, and inspections. Maintenance schedules vary by vehicle make, model and year; the best source of information about routine scheduled maintenance is your owner's manual.

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Looks - Sounds - Feels Like Trouble? Bring it in!

Have you heard the phrase "If it looks, sounds, and feels like trouble it is"?  In the case of vehicle trouble, the more you know about your vehicle, the more likely you'll be able to head off repair problems. You can detect many common vehicle problems by using your senses: eyeballing the area around your vehicle, listening for strange noises, sensing a difference in the way your vehicle handles, or even noticing unusual odors. 

There is a list put together by the Federal Trade Commission on vehicle auto repair basics that we would like to share with you.

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Stop Your Car Windows from Fogging Up

If you grew up in a snow-belt state, you know the drill - and if you just moved to one, you're about to learn. Once temperatures get down around freezing or below, the glass in your car will attempt to spend the rest of the winter encased in fog and snow. No, not really; we're sure your glass has only the best intentions. But the road to miserable winter visability is paved with them, so give yourself a leg up this year with our guide to cold-weather clarity.

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